How to Integrate Analytics Frameworks in your App

How to Integrate Analytics Frameworks in your App

Data on product usage is essential for most teams. Dozens of SDK options are available, many with unique value to provide to product owners. When integrating these frameworks into your app, take caution. Clean data is essential for insights. A little foresight on creating testable solutions will ensure your data is consistent and useful.

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5 Tips for Building Omnichannel Software

5 Tips for Building Omnichannel Software

5 Tips for Building Omni-Channel Software The landscape of “mobile” is ever expanding: phones, wearables, IoT and phablets are just a few areas where we’re seeing rapid, technological advancement. As a business, keeping pace is not only a challenge - it’s overwhelming. New platforms can be deterrents for organizations that have rigid content delivery models. However, the organization that is properly prepared can leverage these platforms as opportunities.

Here are 5 tips to help you create a successful, omni-channel software strategy.

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